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Physical and chemical characteristics of Gel

Characteristic Specification as per normative document Actual value Test method normative documents
Melting point (with intensive agitation), oC 65 65  
Drop point, oC 44 44 GOST 6393-74
Density at 20 oC, kg/m3 887.9 889  
Sedimentation stability at 40 oC, % 100 100 GOST 7142-74
Particle size, micron 5 5 GOST 6589-74
Corrosive attact on metals Sustains Conforms GOST 9.080-77
Water content, % (by mass) none Conforms  

Physical and chemical characteristics of "Repairing" grease

Characteristic Specification as per normative document Actual value Test method normative documents
Appearance Homogenous ointment of brown color Conforms  
Kinematic viscosity at 100oC, ì2 (50-70)*106 (50-70)*106 GOST 33-82
Corrosive attact on metals Sustains Conforms  
Acid number, mg of KOH per 1 g of grease, max. 0.2 0.2 GOST 5985-76
Carbonization, %, max 2.5 2.5 GOST 19932-76
Ash content, %, max 0.01 0.01 GOST 1461-76
Water soluble acids and alkali content none none GOST 6307
Water fraction of total mass, %, max 0.05 0.05 GOST 2477-65
Flash point, as determined in an open crucible, oC, min. 310 310 GOST 4333-82
Solidification point, oC,max. -5 -5 GOST 20287-76
Lubricating properties as tested on four-ball machine, 20+-5oC:  
  • - welding load (Ðw), H
3920 (1580-Litol-24)

GOST 9490-75
  • - critical load (Ðc), H
2450 (710-Litol-24)

  • - scoring index (Si)
61.48 (28.8-Litol-24)


Note: Universal Grease "Litol-24" was chosen for comparison. The lubricating properties of "Restoring" and "Protective" greases 2 times surpass the similar characteristics of Grease "Litol-24"

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