At the service center of "XADO" Corporation some foreign dealers were shown an amazing experiment. From the engine of "Zhiguli" car of 99 model, which had undergone preliminary treatment according to XADO-technology, ALL oil was drained. After that the car has made along the circular highway of Kharkov 178 km! It's not fantasy, it's real!!! Details ... The treatment with XADO compound has allowed to avoid disassembly of engines, boring of blocks, replacement of pistons, piston rings and shells of various car models of "Kharkov-Passazhyrskyi" Railway Station. At the service station of XADO Corporation (Kharkov, Ukraine) have been amassed statistic data for the period from 1998 to 2000 on more than 7.000 motor cars, which had undergone the treatment with XADO compound. Details The researches on XADO-technology, conducted at the Wear Resistance Laboratory of State-owned Enterprise "Malyshev Works", evidence a sharp (actually 8 times) decrease in wear of piston rings. The "crankshaft-shell" set in 20 h exhibited an increase in the weight of samples, which witnesses the termination of wear and the onset of restoration processes. The chief engineer of Motorcade 1785 "Mostransauto" confirms the efficiency of application of XADO compound to line buses. The treatment of the engines of PAZ 3205 buses has resulted in: fuel savings of 27-33%; an idling cycle oil pressure increase by 0.1-0.6 kgs/cm2, an exhaust CO-content reduction by 12-82%. The owner of Ford-Sierra, 1989 make, informed, that after 800 km upon application of XADO-grease the intense howling of the rear hub bearing had stopped. Thus, the reconditioning along the lines of XADO-technology has turned to be 12 times cheaper, than purchase of a new bearing. XADO-technology has undergone certification at the Chinese Center of Control over Utilization of Energy in Automotive Transport Industries of Ministry of Railways. The chinese scientists have drawn the conclusion, that emissions of combustion products of the engine, treated according to XADO-technology fall by 80-88%. The computer-aided diagnosis post, while testing the safe engine metal fatigue life, has made an error of 100.000 km in determination of a real mileage of the Crysler, treated with XADO compound. The results of testing VAZ 21011 (run of about 100.000 km) with application of XADO compouds at the Center of Internal Combustion Engine Diagnosis (Russia) without doubt testify to improvement of the main engineering and economic as well as ecological characteristics of the engine. For example, the compression was observed to have risen by 12-20% "SAKO" Motor Service Station (Kharkov), which is majoring in, mostly, Ameriacan cars, keeps on using for repairs of suspension assemblies (equal angular velocity articulated joints, hub assemblies) XADO greases. Budget, efficient and fast repairs attract an ever-growing clientele. The quality is guaranteed. [Technology] [Products] [Consultations] [Links] [News] [Site map] [Contact] ©, 2000 - 2005 "XADO-technology" |